Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt: Your Chance to Win an iPad!

Summer is a very busy time of the year and with that in mind we have developed a Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt encouraging our patients to go out and have fun! This scavenger hunt is the perfect opportunity for anyone traveling outside of Cranston and Wakefield, RI to share their summer with Dr. Ferry and our team.

Our new contest will run from Memorial Day until Labor Day and all patients are eligible to win! To enter, simply take a photo of yourself doing the activities on our checklist. Each activity has been assigned different points, and you can check off multiple activities in one photo. For example, you could be in a boat, catching a fish and eating an ice cream cone. We will provide blank cd's for each participant to load their photos onto, then return the cd along with the checklist to the office.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

Most Points- iPad
Most Creative- $150 gift card to Best Buy
Most Humorous- $150 gift card to Best Buy

*In the event of a tie the winner will be drawn at random

Select the image below to enlarge and print our Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt checklist. Please feel free to comment here if you have any questions about the rules and regulations of our contest.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When Are Two Phases of Treatment Necessary?

Usually patients in orthodontic treatment already have their permanent teeth – they are pre-teens, teens and adults. But in some cases we have to start treatment earlier, even before the patient’s permanent teeth come in. We call this “two-phase treatment.”

When we have patients with clear developmental problems at an early age, it’s best to start work when they are young, before the problems get bigger and more difficult to treat.

Examples include:
• An upper or lower jaw that is not growing correctly
• A mouth growing in a way that doesn’t leave enough room for all the permanent teeth to come in
• A severe malocclusion, or bad bite, which means the jaw doesn’t fit together correctly

In these cases we will start early and do one round of treatment – phase one – while the patient still has their baby teeth. Phase one usually does not involve braces, but can include a different type of appliance that helps the jaw grow into place properly. We’ll follow up with phase two usually a few years later, when permanent teeth are in place. Generally phase two involves standard braces.

In order to catch early problems, we recommend that children have an orthodontic check-up no later than age seven (and so does the American Association of Orthodontists). However, if your dentist or pediatrician sees any sign that early treatment might be necessary, he or she may recommend your child visit our office even sooner.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What puts you at ease at Ferry Orthodontics?

Dr. Ferry and team understand not everyone enjoys visiting their orthodontist. But we strive to bring you the best and most comforting experience at each visit. We’d like to know: What is it about Ferry Orthodontics that makes you comfortable or puts you at ease? Is it something about our pleasant office environment? Our friendly staff or Dr. Ferry?

Let us know by posting here or by giving us a call!

Friday, May 6, 2011

May marks National Teen Self-Esteem Month

At Ferry Orthodontics, we know image is everything. At an age when image is so important, the thought of having braces may intensify the already-delicate confidence of today's teens. Well, May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, and during this time, parents are encouraged to act as positive role models, help stop negative self-images, and improve confidence and security among teenagers.

One of the great ways to improve your confidence is to improve your smile. And that begins with a free consultation to Ferry Orthodontics. After all, what better time to avoid having crooked teeth in your adulthood than coming in for a consultation with Dr. Ferry?

We proudly provide traditional braces and Invisalign Teen for today’s image-conscious teens.

We invite you to give us a call to schedule a free consultation or ask us on Facebook!