Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Don't Forget to Floss!

Flossing is a must for patients with braces, we encouraging flossing at least once a day. There are plenty of ways to floss around your teeth and braces, but many people will find it difficult to get into all the nooks and crannies with the floss thread alone.

For patients with braces we at Ferry Orthodontics have found that the Platypus Flosser is the easiest way to floss and get under the wire and between the teeth. Flossing is critical for patients wearing braces. Why? To help prevent plaque, or calculus (calcified plaque)from forming between the teeth. This allows the teeth to move more freely and also keeps the gums nice and healthy. We have noticed an increase in patient hygiene and compliance with flossing since we switched to the Platypus. The Platypus has a Facebook page for more information. Another flosser we recommend is the Fish Flosser, which is similiar to the Platypus. In lieu of traditional flossing these floss sticks can be used by everyone, and can make flossing easy, and fun!

Are you wondering the best way to floss between your braces? Ask us at your next appointment, or give us a call!

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