Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dr. Mike Ferry asks: Have you decorated your pumpkin yet?

Can you believe that it's already fall? The leaves are turning brown, the weather is changing, and it's the perfect time to decorate a pumpkin! Dr. Mike Ferry and our team are excited to announce the Ferry Orthodontics Pumpkin Decorating Contest. The contest winner will receive an iPod, so don't hesitate to show us your pumpkin decorating skills!

You may be wondering, what does it mean to decorate a pumpkin? It's simple! We welcome you to paint, decorate, glue, and even color your pumpkin. Our only contest rule is that carved pumpkins will be disqualified. The winner will be chosen based on overall uniqueness and creativity.

All contest entries must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 22nd. We look forward to seeing your festive pumpkins!

-Dr. Mike Ferry

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