Thursday, June 16, 2011

Share your Summer Photos, Win an iPad!

Would you like to win an iPad? If so, you'll want to participate in Dr. Ferry's Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt! Simply take a photo of you doing as many of the listed activities as possible. Each activity has been assigned points, and you can even check off multiple activities with one photo. We will provide blank cd's for each participant to load their photos onto, and then you can return the cd along with the checklist to Ferry Orthodontics. Our contest ends this Labor Day, so don't delay!

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

Most Points- iPad
Most Creative- $150 gift card to Best Buy
Most Humorous- $150 gift card to Best Buy

*In the event of a tie the winner will be drawn at random

Select the image below to enlarge and print our Summertime Photo Scavenger Hunt checklist. Please feel free to comment here if you have any questions about the rules and regulations of our contest.

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