Thursday, August 4, 2011

What are patients saying about Ferry Orthodontics?

Ferry Orthodontics, serving Cranston, Wakefield and the surrounding areas, has been receiving some great patient reviews lately! Check out what our current patients are saying about Dr. Mike Ferry and team!

“Dr. Mike took the time to put my daughter at ease, not only by explaining what would happen at the appointment, but also by giving her the time to explain her history and give her thoughts.” -- Gwenyth

“I cannot begin to express how wonderful we have been treated throughout many years with Ferry Ortho. I miss the senior Dr. Ferry and hope he is in good health and enjoying retirement. Dr. M. Ferry and Kim are terrific also!” -- Karen

“ Dr. Ferry and his staff are AWESOME!!! Also, that photo scavenger hunt idea is going to be fun. :)” -- Hillevi

“At this point in time I feel the office is doing an excellent job; makes me think that this is what service used to be like decades ago and I wish more offices would come back to this. Really like the latest office contest, very nice idea and motivator.” -- Grant

“You rock!” -- Jack

Thank you for all of the kind words. Personalized care is the number one priority at our office. We make sure that all of our patients are seen by Dr. Ferry at each visit, and he is always available for any questions or concerns that you may have. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment!

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